Keterangan Gambar : Dr. KH. Abdul Wadud Nafis, Lc., M.E.I. (Ketua Yayasan Kyai Syarifuddin Lumajang)

By : Dr. Abdul Wadud Nafis, Lc., M.E.I.


A clean and authoritative government is the aspiration of every country to achieve a prosperous, just, and equitable society. A clean government reflects leadership free from corruption, prioritizing transparency and public interest. Meanwhile, an authoritative government is born from the integrity of leaders, fair law enforcement, and effective public services.


Achieving this requires strategic steps, such as bureaucratic reform, impartial law enforcement, increased transparency, and strengthening ethical leadership values. Only through a clean and authoritative government can a nation achieve stability, public trust, and long-term prosperity.


Establishing a clean and authoritative government is the goal of every nation to achieve justice, prosperity, and well-being. A clean government is free from corrupt practices, collusion, and nepotism (KKN) and capable of implementing policies that favor public interests. An authoritative government, on the other hand, must earn the respect of the people by demonstrating integrity, high morality, and fair law enforcement. To achieve this, comprehensive strategies are needed.


1.    Fair and Transparent Law Enforcement

Fair law enforcement is the main foundation for building an authoritative government. The government must ensure that laws are enforced impartially, without discrimination in legal processes, whether against officials, entrepreneurs, or ordinary citizens. When laws are enforced strictly and transparently, public trust in the government will increase. This also reduces the likelihood of abuse of power by public officials.


2.    Bureaucratic Reform

A clean and professional bureaucracy is a crucial element in establishing a clean government. Bureaucratic reform must simplify administrative processes, improve the competence of state apparatus, and eliminate practices that allow corruption. Civil servants (PNS) should be selected based on meritocracy — ability and performance, not familial or political connections.


3.    Enhancing Accountability and Transparency

The government must operate openly in managing budgets and public policies. This transparency can be achieved through digital technology, such as implementing e-governance, which allows the public to access information on budget use and government decisions. Furthermore, public participation in monitoring government policies should be increased to ensure the government remains under public control.


4.    Strengthening Ethical and Moral Values of Leaders

Leaders with high morality and strong integrity are key to building a clean and authoritative government. Honest, fair, and responsible leaders set an example for subordinates and society. Leaders must prioritize the public's interest above all else and avoid personal or group interests. Good leadership ethics will also encourage the bureaucracy to serve the public wholeheartedly.


5.    Anti-Corruption Education

A clean government must begin by raising public awareness about the importance of honesty and anti-corruption values. Anti-corruption education should be integrated into the school curriculum from an early age, instilling honesty and integrity in young generations. Anti-corruption campaigns should also be continuously promoted by the government and civil society to create a corruption-free culture in the community.


6.    Protection for Whistleblowers and Strengthening Oversight Institutions

The government must provide legal protection to individuals who report misconduct within the government. This protection is essential to ensure that people are not afraid to report corruption or abuse of power in their environment. Moreover, oversight institutions such as the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), the Audit Board of Indonesia (BPK), and the Ombudsman must be strengthened to ensure they can perform their duties effectively without political interference.


7.    Meritocracy Policy

The government must prioritize a meritocratic system in selecting public officials, meaning that officials are chosen based on competence and performance, not because of familial ties or political interests. With meritocracy, selected officials will be capable of carrying out their duties professionally, resulting in more effective and efficient public services.


By implementing these strategies, the government can build public trust while creating political and social stability. A clean and authoritative government will not only improve the well-being of the people but also strengthen the nation's position on the international stage. Thus, the state's goal of achieving social justice for all citizens can be realized.



Building a clean and authoritative government is no easy task, but it is essential to creating a just and prosperous society. With firm law enforcement, a professional bureaucracy, and leaders of integrity, the government will become a role model respected by its people. Only a clean and authoritative government can lead a nation toward a bright future, where public trust grows, and citizens' welfare is guaranteed.



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